When the tiger chasing leopard it lost its life while running see the race of tiger and leopard video goes viral

When the tiger chasing leopard it lost its life while running see the race of tiger and leopard video goes viral

You must have seen a lot of animal races. Sometimes leopards run after monkeys and sometimes elephants chase other animals. There is a lot of such videos on the internet. Many videos (Wildlife videos) confirm that only the one who is strong and intelligent wins in the jungle. These days one such video is going viral on Twitter, seeing which you will also say, wow… the king of the jungle, the lion has also been defeated.

IFS officer Sushant Nanda (Susanta Nanda IFS) has shared this video on Twitter, which people are very fond of. It is seen in the video that on seeing the leopard, a tiger ambushes and attacks, but soon the leopard senses it and saves its life by climbing a tree. Although tigers can easily climb trees, their sharp and retractable claws provide a powerful grip to hold onto tree trunks and climb up, Nanda wrote in the caption. However, as they get older their body weight prevents them from doing so. Along with this, he has also given a message to remain slim to survive.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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